Investment Chart Kondratiev Wave

Investment Chart Kondratiev Wave

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Emerging Markets cheap and good for 80% of the growth in the world

Twee plaatjes uit een presentatie van ons Emerging Markets team: eentje waar je kunt zien dat de koerswinstverhoouding erg laag is, veel lager dan in de VS of Japan (maar niet lager dan in Europa) en dat je best wel enige stijging van de koerswinstverhoudingen kunt verwachten.
Het andere plaatje is van Morgan Stanley waar men prognotiseert dat de Opkomende Landen 80% van de groei in de wereld voor hun neming zullen nemen.

Two charts from an F&C presentation from our Emerging Markets team: one where you can see that the PE is very low, way lower than in the US or Japan (but not lower than in Europe) and that some rise of PE’s is very well possible, the base expectation.
The other chart is from Morgan Stanley where they forecast that Emerging Markets will have 80% of the GDP growth in the world in the coming years, so it seems not unreasonable to expect that they will show more profit growth than Developed Markets..

So prospects for Emerging Markets equities ought to be good, but take care when the cyclical indicators like the ISM declined in the past Emerging Markets did fell more than Developed Markets.

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