Investment Chart Kondratiev Wave

Investment Chart Kondratiev Wave

Thursday 16 February 2012

Apple $ 500: is this the end or remains the trend your friend?The pundits are warning it has to be over with the euphoria about Apple, now its share p

The pundits are warning it has to be over with the euphoria about Apple, now its share price has crossed $500.

Apple speaks to the imagination. Suppose thtat the Dow Jones commission ad chosen to add Apple to the Dow and not Cisco, then the Dow should have been now at an all time high (because the Dow weights with the share price the weight of Apple should be tremendous) See chart of Bespoke.

Apple belongsnow two the select number of equities that has had the highest market capitalisation in the US. When you are at long last a mega cap, then most of the times you become an underperformer. The table of Bianco shows the battlefield of several mega cpas and companies that had the honour to have the highest market capitalisation in the US. General Motors even went bankrupt.

Bespoke had also a table what the price of Apple could be when you apply the same PE as the S&P or technology etc. In that case often another considerable rise of the price of Apple could be possible.

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